Tuesday, February 24, 2015


I really enjoyed reading these texts. I mostly enjoyed reading News From Nowhere. It is a little hard to start reading a text not from the beginning and skipping over chapters. However, I believe the stranger just ended up in England and he is noticing the people there since everything has changed. This new England seems really cool. The people seem pretty educated and there are no schools in place, which is pretty cool. The people can speak several languages and some of the dead ones too. Also, "kids" don't have to start working until 21, which is nice since I started working WAY before that. One of my favorite things that we read is when the guy went to the store and two little kids helped  him. Plus, he didn't pay for anything.

I believe the guy's name is Dick, but when Dick told the stranger about how there is no laziness. I though that was pretty funny, seeing as how majority of people are lazy now. The disease is called "Idleness, because they were the direct descendants of those who in the bad times used to force other people to work for them — the people, you know, who are called slave-holders or employers of labour in the history books. Well, these Idleness-stricken people used to serve booths ALL their time, because they were fit for so little. Indeed, I believe that at one time they were actually COMPELLED to do some such work, because they, especially the women, got so ugly and produced such ugly children if their disease was not treated sharply, that the neighbours couldn’t stand it. However, I’m happy to say that all that is gone by now; the disease is either extinct, or exists in such a mild form that a short course of aperient medicine carries it off." I really enjoyed all of this it is filled with humor and truth. There are so many people who are lazy and to live in a world where there is no laziness!!! Omg I would love it. I think that really sells me on these Utopia's, where everyone works.

The other part that follows that I enjoyed and thought humorous as well is: But the old man broke in:
“Yes, all that is true, neighbour; and I have seen some of those poor women grown old. But my father used to know some of them when they were young; and he said that they were as little like young women as might be: they had hands like bunches of skewers, and wretched little arms like sticks; and waists like hour-glasses, and thin lips and peaked noses and pale cheeks; and they were always pretending to be offended at anything you said or did to them. No wonder they bore ugly children, for no one except men like them could be in love with them — poor things!” This was really funny because the author is making more humor about slavery and history, but in a good way.

I also enjoyed how Dick and his love, Clara, were able to divorce and then rekindle their relationship WITHOUT getting a court involved. There was no need for bringing other people into the relationship because the problems go from love to about who gets who. It needs to all be focused on the couple and nothing else. A year or two later, Dick and Clara are able to get back together. I think this is a policy we should adopt because our system just seems to have failed all of us. We have so many problems with our policies that we end up focusing on property and the tangible things, which aren't that important. What is important is why or why not the relationship did not work.

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